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What is a Foot Health Practitioner?
A Foot Health Practitioner (FHP) is qualified to carry out routine foot care treatments and maintenance to feet.
The appointments are approximately 45-60 minutes long within the comfort of your own home.
The treatment almost always starts with trimming and filing the toenails and often the use of a professional electric drill/file in addition to treat conditions such as:
Thickened nails-reduced to make them look and feel better.
Hard skin removal- Which may have formed from pressure areas including removing Corns or repairing cracked heels.
Diagnosing and treating fungal nails and infections.
Treat ingrown toenails and where necessary, refer onto a specialist podiatrist or a GP.
Verrucaes- Assessed and treatment plan given.
Diabetic Foot conditions- Advice and treatment plan. Diabetics can often have Neuropathy, which is where they can lose feeling in their feet.
If you know of anyone struggling/suffering with any of the ABOVE conditions then make an appointment for a Foot Health Profession to visit.
Love your feet!